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This is a selection of Pictures I have taken suitable for use as Screen savers
Note that I hold copyright on these Pictures, however they may be freely downloaded and used in electronic form as either screen savers, or as part of a presentation.
While I am also happy for personal use (for example in school assignments etc) they cannot be used in publications (Books, Pamphlets etc) or published on a Commercial website without written permission from me. 

Setting up Screen saver slide show 

Setting up custom screen savers under Windows (on Vista, XP and 2000) is very straightforward:
Create a Directory for the pictures you wish to use as Screen savers and then copy the pictures you wish to use into that Directory.
Right click on the desktop and select "Properties"
Next select the 'Screen Saver' tab and for the screen saver choose 'My Pictures Slideshow'
This allows you to set the Directory you have copied your Pictures to (I use C:\screen savers) the speed at which the images change etc.

If you do not have many pictures of your own you may download some of mine from the following Galleries:
Gallery 1
Gallery 2

Copyright © 2009 Australian Technical Production Services