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~Picture 18~

note the Tab on the top piece aligns with the seam sewn down the right hand side of the Side piece NOT the edge of the Side piece.

~Picture 19~

The dotted red line shows where the seam on the side piece is and is shown here for reference only

Now sew the two pieces together I used a straight stitch along the reference seam with a zigzag stitch along the tab to provide more strength note ONLY stitch along the Tab.

~Picture 20~

When you have completed that seam pull the top piece around so the next edge lines up with the top of the side piece:

~Picture 21~
Note you will need to pull this tight to ensure there is no gap between the adjacent tabs as the layers of material and felt are now getting quite thick this will require some effort.

~Picture 22~
Sew the next tab down, turn the top piece around and repeat until all 10 tabs are sewn to the top of the side piece.

Finally sew the ends of the Side piece together and trim to length this should leave you with something looking like:

~Picture 23-->Picture24~
turn this inside out and the cover is now completed!

Kit includes:
Nil - no kit available 

Email  for more details or Paypal instructions (to order) - note at this stage I will have to work out mail costs on a case by case basis...

Website created by Richard Freeman 
with the aid of CoffeeCup HTML editor http://www.coffeecup.com