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DTMF Display - Source code 

         LIST   P=PIC16F84
; RAM Page 0 Registers
INDF         EQU 0x0000
TMR0         EQU 0x0001
PCL          EQU 0x0002
STATUS       EQU 0x0003
FSR          EQU 0x0004
PORTA        EQU 0x0005
PORTB        EQU 0x0006
EEDATA       EQU 0x0008
EEADR        EQU 0x0009
PCLATH       EQU 0x000A
INTCON       EQU 0x000B
; RAM Page 1 Registers
TRISA        EQU 0x0085
TRISB        EQU 0x0086
EECON1       EQU 0x0088
EECON2       EQU 0x0089
; STATUS bits
C           EQU 00h
DC          EQU 01h
Z           EQU 02h
PD          EQU 03h
TO          EQU 04h
RP0         EQU 05h
RP1         EQU 06h
IRP         EQU 07h
; INTCON bits
RBIF        EQU 00h
INTF        EQU 01h
T0IF        EQU 02h
RBIE        EQU 03h
INTE        EQU 04h
T0IE        EQU 05h
EEIE        EQU 06h
GIE         EQU 07h
PS0         EQU 00h
PS1         EQU 01h
PS2         EQU 02h
PSA         EQU 03h
T0SE        EQU 04h
T0CS        EQU 05h
INTEDG      EQU 06h
RBPU        EQU 07h
; EECON1 bits
RD          EQU 00h
WR          EQU 01h
WREN        EQU 02h
WRERR       EQU 03h
EEIF        EQU 04h
SPCE  EQU  0Ch           ;Space insert Timer - cleared when DAV =1

PBAFLAG  EQU  0Dh        ;Push button Flags
       ;D0 PBA Flag
       ;D1 PBA debounce Flag
       ;D6 PBD Flag
       ;D7 PBD debounce Flag

PBATIM       EQU  00Eh    ;PBA Timer for debounce and Autorepeat
PBBTIM       EQU  00Fh    ;PBB Timer -- Not used in this code
PBCTIM       EQU  010h    ;PBC Timer -- Not used in this code
PBDTIM       EQU  011h    ;PBD Timer for debounce and Autorepeat
TICK         EQU  012h    ;Tick counter used for Timing
DSPPNTR      EQU  013h    ;Display Pointer points to the current Display Starting point
DATPNTR      EQU  0x14    ;Data Pointer points to the next available memory Location
XREG         EQU  0x15    ;General purpose Register
YREG         EQU  0x16    ;General purpose Register
WREGINT      EQU  0x17    ;Working register storage during interrupts
SREGINT      EQU  0x18    ;Status register storage during interrupts

FLAGA        EQU  0x19    ;General Flags used by the program
       ;D0 Rotate - indicates the buffer has rotated
       ;D1 DAV - DAV from the 145436 has been processed
                ;D2 Hold Flag
FLAGTMP      EQU  0x1A
;---------------------------Data and settings-------------------
BUFSTRT      EQU  0x1C     ;Buffer Start location
BUFLEN       EQU  0x34     ;Buffer Length
BUFEND       EQU  0x4F     ;Buffer end
BUFEND1      EQU  0x50     ;Buffer end +1
LCDLEN       EQU 0x000F    ;LCD first line length set at {lcdlen} 07h for 1*16 char
                           ;disp 0Fh for 2*16 char disp
DSPLEN       EQU 0x001F    ;LCD length set at {dsplen} 0Fh for 1*16 01Fh for 2*16

            ORG  0000h
            GOTO  INIT         ;Jump past Interrupt
            GOTO  INTHAN       ;Interrupt Handler
INIT                           ;Initialise
            CLRF  PORTA        ; PORTA
            CLRF  PORTB        ; PORTB
            BSF  STATUS,RP0    ;Switch bank
            MOVLW  0x02
            MOVWF  PORTA       ;TRISA
            MOVLW  0xFF
            MOVWF  PORTB       ;TRISB
            MOVLW  0xA0
            MOVWF  INTCON      ;Set up Interrupt control Register
            MOVLW  0x81        ;Set up option register - assign 1:4 prescaler
            MOVWF  TMR0        ;to timer 0, int from clock b, pullups disabled
            BCF  STATUS,RP0    ;go back to page 0
            CLRF  DSPPNTR
            MOVLW  PBBTIM
            ADDWF  TICK,w
            MOVWF  XREG

;LCD initialise Routine - 8 bit operation with Auto increment

            MOVF  XREG,w
            SUBWF  0x12,w
            BTFSS  STATUS,Z    ;wait for 12 ticks  - give LCD time to Initialise
            GOTO  LCDINIT      ;After Power up
            MOVLW  0x30
            CALL  WRLCD        ;Write 030h to LCD
            CALL  DELAY    
            CALL  DELAY
            CALL  DELAY
            MOVLW  0x30   
            CALL  WRLCD       ;Write 030h to LCD
            CALL  DELAY
            MOVLW  0x30       ;Wriet 030h to LCD
            CALL  WRLCD
            CALL  DELAY
            MOVLW  0x38       ;Write 038h to LCD
            CALL  WRLCD
            CALL  DELAY
            MOVLW  0x01
            CALL  WRLCD       ;Write 01h to LCD
            CALL  DELAY
            MOVLW  0x0C
            CALL  WRLCD       ;Write 0ch to LCD
            CALL  DELAY
            MOVLW  0x06       ;Write 06h to LCD
            CALL  WRLCD
            CALL  DELAY
            MOVLW  0x1C       ;Write 01Ch to LCD
            MOVWF  FSR
BANNER                        ;LCD should now be initialised
            CLRF  INDF
            INCF  FSR,f
            MOVF  FSR,w
            SUBLW  0x50
            BTFSS  STATUS,Z
            GOTO  BANNER      ;Short Delay
            MOVLW  0x44       ;D
            CALL  WRBUFF
            MOVLW  0x54       ;T
            CALL  WRBUFF
            MOVLW  0x4D       ;M
            CALL  WRBUFF
            MOVLW  0x46       ;F
            CALL  WRBUFF
            MOVLW  0x20       ;space
            CALL  WRBUFF
            MOVLW  0x44       ;D
            CALL  WRBUFF
            MOVLW  0x65       ;E
            CALL  WRBUFF
            MOVLW  0x63       ;C
            CALL  WRBUFF 
            MOVLW  0x6F       ;O
            CALL  WRBUFF
            MOVLW  0x64       ;D
            CALL  WRBUFF
            MOVLW  0x65       ;E
            CALL  WRBUFF
            MOVLW  0x20       ;space
            CALL  WRBUFF
            MOVLW  0x56       ;V
            CALL  WRBUFF
            MOVLW  0x2D       ;-
            CALL  WRBUFF
            MOVLW  0x31       ;1
            CALL  WRBUFF
            MOVLW  0x41       ;A
            CALL  WRBUFF
            CALL  DISPLAY     ;Display contents of Buffer
            CLRF  FLAGA       ;Clear Flags
            CLRF  DSPPNTR     ;Clear Pointers
            CLRF  DATPNTR
            MOVLW  0x20       ;Insert Space
            CALL  WRBUFF
START                          ;Start Program core
            CALL  INPUTB       ;Ensure data bus HIz
            BCF  PORTA,4       ;Deselect LCD
            BSF  PORTA,0       ;select P.B and 145436
            BTFSS  PORTA,1     ;check DAV from 145436
            GOTO  NODAV        ;If no DAV
            CLRF  SPCE         ;Clear Space Counter
            BSF  FLAGA,3       ;Set Space Flag
            BTFSC  FLAGA,1     ;Check if DAV already serviced
            GOTO  PBA          ;If DAV already serviced
            BSF  FLAGA,1       ;set DAV service flag
            SWAPF  PORTB,w     ;read data from 145436
            CALL  ASCII        ;Call ASCII translation routine
            CALL  WRBUFF       ;Write result to buffer
            BTFSC  FLAGA,4     ;check flag 
            GOTO  ad0073       ;if set
            MOVF  DSPPNTR,w    ;check if data pointer has reached
            SUBWF  DATPNTR,w   ;the end of the buffer
            SUBLW  0x11
            BTFSS  STATUS,Z
            GOTO  ad0075       ;If not
            BSF  FLAGA,4       ;If so set the flag
            BTFSS  FLAGA,2     ;check FLAG,2
            CALL  DISPINC      ;increment the display pointer
            CALL  DISPLAY      ;Update display
            GOTO  PBA
            BCF  FLAGA,1       ;ensure DAV flag is clear
;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
PBA                            ;BACK Space button
            CALL  INPUTB       ;Set data bus to HIz
            MOVLW  0x01        ;enable PB buffer and 145436
            MOVWF  PORTA            
            BTFSS  PORTB,0     ;Check if PBA pressed
            GOTO  PBAdbce      ;if not pressed
            BTFSC  PBAFLAG,1   ;check PBA debounce flag
            GOTO  PBB          ;If set
            BTFSC  PBAFLAG,0   ;check PBA flag
            GOTO  PBAauto      ;if set
            BSF  PBAFLAG,0     ;set PBA flag
            MOVLW  0xFF        ;load PBA autorepeat timer
            MOVWF  PBATIM      ;with 0FFh
            CALL  DISPDEC      ;scroll back 1 Character
            CALL  DISPLAY      ;Then update Display
            GOTO  PBB          ;Goto PB B
            MOVF  PBATIM,f     ;Check if Autorepeat Timer
            BTFSS  STATUS,Z    ;has timed out
            GOTO  PBB          ;If not
            MOVLW  0x5F        ;Reload
            MOVWF  PBATIM      ;Autorepeat Timer
            CALL  DISPDEC      ;Go back 1 character
            CALL  DISPLAY      ;Update Display
            GOTO  PBB          ;Process next key
PBAdbce                        ;PBA Debounce
            BTFSS  PBAFLAG,0   ;check PBA flag
            GOTO  PBB          ;If not set
            MOVLW  0x0A        ;load debounce timer
            MOVWF  PBATIM   
            BCF  PBAFLAG,0     ;Clear PBA flag
            BSF  PBAFLAG,1     ;Set debounce timer
PBB                            ;HOLD button
            CALL  INPUTB       ;Set data bus to HIz
            MOVLW  0x01        ;enable PB buffer and 145436
            MOVWF  PORTA            
            BTFSS  PORTB,1      ;Check if PBB pressed
            GOTO  PBBCLR        ;If not pressed
            BSF  FLAGA,2        ;set hold (PBB) flag
            GOTO  PBC           ;then goto
            BCF  FLAGA,2
PBC                             ;CLEAR button
            CALL  INPUTB        ;data bus to HIz
            MOVLW  0x01         ;Read PB buffer and 145436
            MOVWF  PORTA            
            BTFSC  PORTB,2      ;Check if PBC pressed
            GOTO  CLRBUF        ;If pressed
PBD                             ;FORWARD button
            CALL  INPUTB
            MOVLW  0x01         ;Read PB buffer and 145436
            MOVWF  PORTA            
            BTFSS  PORTB,3       ;check PBD
            GOTO  PBDdbnce       ;If not pressed
            BTFSC  PBAFLAG,7     ;Check PBD Debounce flag
            GOTO  PBDend         ;If set
            BTFSC  PBAFLAG,6     ;check PBD flag
            GOTO  PBDauto        ;If set
            BSF  PBAFLAG,6       ;Set PBD flag
            MOVLW  0xFF          ;Load autorepeat Timer
            MOVWF  PBDTIM        ;
            CALL  DISPINC        ;Move display one step forward
            CALL  DISPLAY        ;Update Display
            GOTO  PBDend
            MOVF  PBDTIM,f       ;check Autorepeat Timer
            BTFSS  STATUS,Z
            GOTO  PBDend         ;If not zero
            MOVLW  0x5F
            MOVWF  PBDTIM
            CALL  DISPINC
            CALL  DISPLAY
            GOTO  PBDend
            BTFSS  PBAFLAG,6     ;Check PBD flag
            GOTO  PBDend         ;If not set
            MOVLW  0x0A          ;Load PBD debounce timer
            MOVWF  PBDTIM
            BCF  PBAFLAG,6       ;clear PBD flag
            BSF  PBAFLAG,7       ;Set PBD debounce flag
            GOTO  START          ;end of core code

;Clears Buffer then clears Display

            CLRF  FLAGA         ;Clear Flags
            CLRF  DSPPNTR       ;and Display Pointer
            CLRF  DATPNTR       ;and Data Pointer
            MOVLW  0x20    
            CALL  WRBUFF        ;Write blank into Data location
            CALL  DISPLAY       ;And update (clear) the Display
            GOTO  START
;Interrupt Handler

            MOVWF  WREGINT      ;Save W register
            SWAPF  STATUS,w     ;stash Ststus in W
            BCF  STATUS,RP0     ;change Pages
            MOVWF  SREGINT      ;Stash Status (from W) into SREGINT
            MOVLW  0xE8
            MOVWF  TMR0         ;Reload Timer
            BCF  INTCON,T0IF    ;Re enable Interrupt
            INCF  TICK,f        ;Increment the Tick Register
            BTFSS  TICK,0       ;check if bits 0 and 1 of the Tick
            BTFSC  TICK,1       ;counter are clear (ie every 4th Interrupt)
            GOTO  EXINT         ;if not
            DECF  PBATIM,f      ;Decrement PBA Timer
            BTFSC  STATUS,Z
            BCF  PBAFLAG,1      ;If PBATIM=0 clear the debounce bit
            DECF  PBBTIM,f      ;Decrement PBB Timer
            BTFSC  STATUS,Z
            BCF  PBAFLAG,3      ;Clear PBB Debounce bit if 0
            DECF  PBCTIM,f      ;Decrement PBC Timer
            BTFSC  STATUS,Z
            BCF  PBAFLAG,5      ;Clear PBC Debounce bit if zero
            DECF  PBDTIM,f      ;Decrement PBD timer
            BTFSC  STATUS,Z
            BCF  PBAFLAG,7      ;clear PBD Debounce bit if zero
            BTFSC  TICK,2       ;ie Every Eigth interrupt
            GOTO  EXINT         ;
            BTFSS  FLAGA,3    
            GOTO  EXINT
            DECF  SPCE,f
            BTFSS  STATUS,Z
            GOTO  EXINT
            BCF  FLAGA,3
            MOVLW  0x20
            CALL  WRBUFF
            BTFSS  FLAGA,2
            CALL  DISPINC
            SWAPF  SREGINT,w
            MOVWF  STATUS
            SWAPF  WREGINT,f
            SWAPF  WREGINT,w
;Devolopment Code - Test routine -retained for Checksum - delete after kit
            CLRF  PORTA
            MOVLW  0x80
            MOVWF  PORTB
            CALL  OUTPUT
            BCF  PORTA,3
            BCF  PORTA,2
            BSF  PORTA,4
            BCF  PORTA,4
            BCF  PORTA,2
            CALL  LCDWAIT
            BSF  PORTA,2
            MOVLW  0x48
            MOVWF  PORTB
            BSF  PORTA,4
            BCF  PORTA,4
            CALL  LCDWAIT
            CALL  OUTPUT
            MOVLW  0x49
            MOVWF  PORTB
            BSF  PORTA,4
            BCF  PORTA,4
            CALL  LCDWAIT
            CALL  OUTPUT

;Waits 512 ticks 
            MOVLW  0xFF
            MOVWF  XREG
            CALL  DELAY
            CALL  DELAY
            DECF  XREG,f
            BTFSS  STATUS,Z
            GOTO  ad010F
;Delay routine  - waits for 1-2 'Ticks' - note changes Tick counter
;Calls  nil
;Uses TICK

            MOVLW  0xFE
            MOVWF  TICK
            MOVF  TICK,f
            BTFSS  STATUS,Z
            GOTO  DEL1
;Write data to Buffer - update display and data pointers

            MOVWF  XREG
            MOVF  DATPNTR,w     ;Load the Data pointer
            ADDLW  BUFSTRT      ;and add the memory offset
            MOVWF  FSR          ;Move the result to the FSR
            MOVF  XREG,w        ;Move Data to the W register
            MOVWF  INDF         ;then write it to the INDF register
            INCF  DATPNTR,f     ;Increment the data pointer
            MOVLW  BUFLEN       ;load the buffer length
            SUBWF  DATPNTR,w    ;subtract from the data pointer
            BTFSS  STATUS,Z     ;check if 0 (ie end of buffer
            GOTO  ad0128        ;if not
            CLRF  DATPNTR       ;clear the Data pointer (rotate the buffer)
            BSF  FLAGA,0        ;Set the Rotate flag
            MOVF  DSPPNTR,w ;
            SUBWF  DATPNTR,w    ;check if the Data pointer and the Display
            BTFSS  STATUS,Z     ;pointer are the same
            GOTO  ad012E        ;If not
            CALL  DISPINC       ;If so Increment the Display pointer
            BSF  FLAGA,2        ;and Set the ~~ Flag
;Increments the Display Pointer
;Calls Nils

            DECF  DATPNTR,w 
            SUBWF  DSPPNTR,w     ;Compare DATPNTR-1 with DSPPNTR
            BTFSC  STATUS,Z 
            RETURN               ;If equal (end of Display)
            INCF  DSPPNTR,f      ;Increment Display Pointer
            MOVLW  BUFLEN        ;Check if the Display buffer needs to
            SUBWF  DSPPNTR,w     ;Rotate
            BTFSS  STATUS,Z
            RETURN               ;If not Return
            MOVF  DATPNTR,f
            BTFSS  STATUS,Z      ;Check if Data Pointer is Zero
            GOTO  DISPROT        ;If not
            DECF  DSPPNTR,f      ;If so back off the display pointer
            RETURN               ;And return
            CLRF  DSPPNTR        ;Rotate the Display pointer
            RETURN               ;And return
;Calls :Nil

            MOVF  DSPPNTR,f      ;Load the Display pointer
            BTFSS  STATUS,Z      ;check if zero
            GOTO  ad014B         ;If not
            BTFSS  FLAGA,0       ;Check rotate Flag
            RETURN               ;If the buffer has not rotated
            MOVF  DATPNTR,w      ;Load the Data pointer
            SUBLW  BUFLEN        ;check if it is at the end of the
            BTFSC  STATUS,Z      ;buffer
            RETURN               ;If so (Display pointer cannot = datapointer)
            MOVLW  BUFLEN        ;If not rotate the Display pointer
            MOVWF  DSPPNTR
            RETURN               ;Then Return
            INCF  DATPNTR,w      ;Check if Datapointer = Display pointer-1
            SUBWF  DSPPNTR,w
            BTFSC  STATUS,Z      ;If so do not allow the Display pointer to equal
            RETURN               ;the data pointer
            DECF  DSPPNTR,f      ;Decrement the Display pointer and Return
;sets the data bus to high impedance
;Calls Nil
;Uses Nil

            BSF  STATUS,RP0      ;change to page 1
            MOVLW  0xFF          ;set all the bits for TRISB
            MOVWF  PORTB         ;
            BCF  STATUS,RP0      ;Return to page 0

;Outputs Data to the Data bus
;Calls Nil
;Uses Nil
            BSF  STATUS,RP0      ;go to page 1
            CLRF  PORTB          ;clear all the TRISB bits
            BCF  STATUS,RP0      ;go back to page 0
;Hex to ASCII Translational Routine - Translates lower nibble in W register
;into an ASCII Value in the W register according to the results from the
;DTMF decoder
;Calls Nil
;Uses Nil

            ANDLW  00Fh
            MOVWF  XREG
            MOVF  XREG,f
            BTFSC  STATUS,Z
            RETLW  0x44               ; b'01000100'  'D'
            DECF  XREG,f
            BTFSC  STATUS,Z
            RETLW  0x31               ; b'00110001'  '1'
            DECF  XREG,f
            BTFSC  STATUS,Z
            RETLW  0x32               ; b'00110010'  '2'
            DECF  XREG,f
            BTFSC  STATUS,Z
            RETLW  0x33                ; b'00110011'  '3'
            DECF  XREG,f
            BTFSC  STATUS,Z
            RETLW  0x34                ; b'00110100'  '4'
            DECF  XREG,f
            BTFSC  STATUS,Z
            RETLW  0x35                ; b'00110101'  '5'
            DECF  XREG,f
            BTFSC  STATUS,Z
            RETLW  0x36                ; b'00110110'  '6'
            DECF  XREG,f
            BTFSC  STATUS,Z
            RETLW  0x37                ; b'00110111'  '7'
            DECF  XREG,f
            BTFSC  STATUS,Z
            RETLW  0x38                ; b'00111000'  '8'
            DECF  XREG,f
            BTFSC  STATUS,Z
            RETLW  0x39                ; b'00111001'  '9'
            DECF  XREG,f
            BTFSC  STATUS,Z
            RETLW  0x30                ; b'00110000'  '0'
            DECF  XREG,f
            BTFSC  STATUS,Z
            RETLW  0x2A                ; b'00101010'  '*'
            DECF  XREG,f
            BTFSC  STATUS,Z
            RETLW  0x23                ; b'00100011'  '#'
            DECF  XREG,f
            BTFSC  STATUS,Z
            RETLW  0x41                ; b'01000001'  'A'
            DECF  XREG,f
            BTFSC  STATUS,Z
            RETLW  0x42                ; b'01000010'  'B'
            RETLW  0x43                ; b'01000011'  'C'

;Display Routine - Displays data in the buffer

            CLRF  PORTA
            CLRF  YREG
            MOVF  FLAGA,w
            MOVWF  FLAGTMP       ;Temporarily store the Flags
            BCF  FLAGTMP,7
            MOVLW  0x80
            MOVWF  PORTB         ;goto DD Ram Address 00h
            CALL  OUTPUT
            BCF  PORTA,3
            BCF  PORTA,2
            BSF  PORTA,4         ;Write to LCD
            BCF  PORTA,4
            BCF  PORTA,2
            CALL  LCDWAIT        ;Wait until LCD ready
            MOVF  DATPNTR,w
            ADDLW  BUFSTRT       ; Add data Pointer to Buffer start
            MOVWF  XREG          ;And stash in Xreg
            MOVF  DSPPNTR,w
            ADDLW  BUFSTRT
            MOVWF  FSR           ;Move Dsplay pointer + Buffer start to FSR
            MOVF  XREG,w
            SUBWF  FSR,w         ;Check if equal to Data pointer + buffer offset
            BTFSC  STATUS,Z
            BSF  FLAGTMP,7       ; If so set end of Valid data flag
            BTFSC  FLAGTMP,7     ;check if end of Valid data flag set
            GOTO  ad01B9         ;If so goto Insert Space
            MOVF  INDF,w         ;read data from INDF
            MOVWF  PORTB         ;Move to Data bus
            CLRF  PORTA          ;
            BSF  PORTA,2
            CALL  OUTPUT         ;Output data bus

            BSF  PORTA,4
            CLRF  PORTA          ;write to LCD
            CALL  LCDWAIT        ;wait for LCD

            CALL  INPUTB         ;Return bus to High impedance

            INCF  FSR,f          ;Increment FSR
            MOVLW  BUFFEND1      ;Check if   
            SUBWF  FSR,w         ;Past the
            BTFSS  STATUS,Z      ;End of the buffer
            GOTO  ad01C3         ;If not

            MOVLW  BUFSTRT       ;If so reload the
            MOVWF  FSR           ;FSR with the buffer start location
            GOTO  ad01C3         ;and go to ~~

ad01B9                     ; write spaces to LCD - over write any exsisting data    
            MOVLW  0x20
            MOVWF  PORTB          ; Output ASCII Space to the Data bus
            CLRF  PORTA
            BSF  PORTA,2
            CALL  OUTPUT

            BSF  PORTA,4         ; Write to LCD
            CLRF  PORTA
            CALL  LCDWAIT        ;Wait for LCD

            CLRF  PORTA          ;
            INCF  YREG,f         ;Increment Yreg (Display character counter)
            MOVLW  0x08          ; Check of Display is up to the
            SUBWF  YREG,w        ;9th character
            BTFSS  STATUS,Z
            GOTO  ad01D2         ;If not

            MOVLW  0xC0          ; If so jump to
            MOVWF  PORTB         ;DD Ram location
            CALL  OUTPUT         ;0C0h

            BSF  PORTA,4
            BCF  PORTA,4
            CALL  LCDWAIT        ;Wait for the LCD

            GOTO  ad01A0         ; Then go on to next character

            MOVLW  0x10          ;Check if at the end of the display ~~ 010h (17d)
            SUBWF  YREG,w
            BTFSC  STATUS,Z
            RETURN               ; If so end Call

            GOTO  ad01A0         ; If not get the next Character

;Writes data in W register to LCD

            MOVWF  PORTB          
            CALL  OUTPUT
            MOVLW  0x10
            MOVWF  PORTA          
            CLRF  PORTA           
            CALL  INPUTB
LCDWAIT                  ;Wait for LCD

            CALL  INPUTB         ; Set Data bus to input
            BSF  PORTA,3         
            BCF  PORTA,2       
            BSF  PORTA,4
            BTFSS  PORTB,7       ;Check Bit 7 of data from LCD
            GOTO  ENDWAIT        ;
            BCF  PORTA,4
            GOTO  LCDWAIT

            BCF  PORTA,4
            BCF  PORTA,3
            BSF  PORTA,2
            CALL  OUTPUT


Kit includes:

Website created by Richard Freeman 
with the aid of CoffeeCup HTML editor